I also wanted to say what a great idea the new homework project is. Having a child in secondary school I think it will give them a lesson in time management and whether they work a bit at a time or complete it just before the deadline. It is also open to all the children’s interpretation and differing approaches and is so much more appealing than the homework grid.
My daughter had a wonderful 1st day and can't wait to go back tomorrow!. She's already asking to have a play date but doesn't quite know with who yet!
We’d also like to thank the school for the anti-bullying week. My daughter found this very helpful.
I'm a mum and my daughter has just started in Reception, the team have been just brilliant with my daughter. She's suffered for a while with separation anxiety and really had me worried about leaving me for long periods. But how wrong was I to worry she absolutely loves school !! The support and empathy that has been shown has made her transition into full time school effortless with no stress at all. She cant wait to get into school and says her days are 'exciting' and 'too much fun mummy'. I would just like to thank you all and let you know what a great school you have.
Here's to many more enjoyable years.
Just a note to say how lovely it was to watch the Yr 3 & 4 children take part in the Basketball tournament this afternoon. It was wonderful they received the Fair Play Award as they always conduct themselves so well when outside school and because they practised so enthusiastically whilst not playing matches.
Thank you so much for running the e-safety workshop earlier this week. We found it really interesting, slightly scary and a real eye opener for what we will meet once our children move further into the online world.
The main message we will take away is that we need to decide as a family what our approach will be, in advance, rather than just waiting to see what happens. It was great to have the opportunity to have so much explained so clearly.
Thank you for organising a great week of Science activities and lessons for the children and for inviting the parents in to see some of the work. My children really enjoyed the week. It is lovely to hear them talk about the activities when they came home from school - they even want to try some experiments themselves this weekend!
It was lovely to be invited to attend the Year 3 assembly this morning. The class gave a very thoughtful assembly which was presented very confidently. Thank you for the opportunity to see our children involved in a class presentation and to show our support to them and their teacher.
Just wanted to let you know X came home from school on Friday and said she'd had an excellent week at school. She is so happy she got a pen license, got 10/10 in spellings and wrote 5 paragraphs in big write! She's looking forward to the class assembly today too!
Congratulations on such a wonderful school you have.
'The new assessment system seems to be very clear. Well done!'
'This school is better than private. I'm not a Christian but my children follow the Christian values and they are better behaved than children from other schools.'
'The teachers work so hard and they really are doing a great job!
A huge thank you to everyone involved with the organisation and running of sports day. It was such a lovely day and brilliantly run from start to finish. The picnic lunch was a great idea and a lovely way of being able to celebrate the day. The fact that the children were participating in houses rather than year groups meant that we were able to watch them all participate in each activity and track all their progress. Clearly the practise helped too, it was a first for all of them and yet they took it completely in their stride. I also greatly appreciate the fact that Longwick chose to give its pupils the opportunity to be involved in a degree of competitive sport. For those who are less academic it is a real chance to shine and this was obvious on the day.
We just wanted to put in writing what a wonderful job you and your respective teams are doing at Longwick School.
Having had children at the school for 6 years, we think it has never been in better shape. The care and commitment to our children is the best it has been since we have been involved. It make us very proud that the school is performing so well academically, pastorally and socially. The rise in the number of clubs run by teachers and admin staff is a good reflection of the passion that you and all the staff have to develop our children and the school.Well done and thank you.
My child has thrived at Longwick and this is reflected by his daily enthusiasm to attend and his enjoyment of school life. The school has a strong, caring Christian ethos.
I found the Year 6 assembly very moving and the children did very well with their reading. It is always a delight to join the school for collective worship – the children always behave impeccably and pay attention and join in with the prayers and singing. I am a very proud mum this morning!
I was lost and I was about to give up and I couldn’t believe it when my child said that I should use the Christian values and persevere! When we arrived she then told me that we were going to use compassion to help the people.