Useful Acronyms for Parents
There are many acronyms used in education; below are some that you might come across as your child moves through Longwick on their learning journey.
Educational Acronyms
APS | Average Points Score |
ARP | Additional Resource Provision |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services |
CIN | Child in Need |
CP | Child Protection |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage |
EHCP | Educational Health Care Plan |
FGB | Full Governing Board |
FSM | Free School Meals |
GD | Greater Depth |
GLD | Good Level of Development |
GRT | Gypsy Roma Traveller |
HA | Higher Attaining |
HLTA | Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
HMI | Her Majesty’s Inspectors (of schools) |
ICT | Information Communication Technology |
IPP | Individual Pupil Plan |
IWB | Interactive White Board |
JRSO | Junior Road Safety Officer |
KS1 | Key Stage 1 |
KS2 | Key Stage 2 |
KUW | Knowledge & Understanding of the World |
LA | Local Authority |
LA | Lower Attainment |
LAC | Looked After Child |
LGB | Local Governing Body |
LO | Learning Objective |
MA | Middle Attainment |
MAT | Multi-Academy Trust |
MDS | Midday Supervisor |
MFL | Modern Foreign Language |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship |
NQT | Newly Qualified Teacher |
ODBE | Oxford Diocesan Board of Education |
ODBST | Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust |
LO | Learning Objective |
MA | Middle Attainment |
MAT | Multi-Academy Trust |
MDS | Midday Supervisor |
MFL | Modern Foreign Language |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship |
NQT | Newly Qualified Teacher |
ODBE | Oxford Diocesan Board of Education |
PCSO | Police Community Support Officer |
PD | Personal Development |
PM | Performance Management |
PP | Pupil Premium |
PPA | Planning Preparation & Assessment |
PRU | Pupil Referral Unit |
PSED | Personal Social Emotional Development |
PSHE | Personal Social Health Education |
QFT | Quality First Teaching |
RWM | Reading Writing Mathematics |
SC | Success Criteria |
SCR | Single Central Record |
SDP | School Development Plan |
SEF | Self Evaluation Form |
SEND | Special Educational Needs/Disability |
SENDCo | Special Educational Needs/Disability Coordinator |
SIA | School Improvement Adviser |
SIAMS | Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools |
SIP | School Improvement Partner |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
SMSC | Spiritual Moral Social & Cultural |
SPAG or GPS | Spelling Punctuation & Grammar |
T&L | Teaching & Learning |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
WA | Working At |
WTS | Working Towards |