Design & Technology
DT overview and skills and knowledge progression
Design and Technology
STEM Intent
At Longwick, our intent is to instil a lifelong love of learning. We seek opportunities within our STEM learning time to develop the pupils’ cultural and scientific capital to enable them to develop an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. In turn, these enable our pupils to become educated, responsible citizens in our local and global community, today and in the future.
Through our STEM curriculum we provide opportunities for pupils to make meaningful connections in their learning through cross-curricular links in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Pupils are empowered to be curious and ask their own questions; we want our pupils to identify the needs of others and develop ideas which respond to these. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their creativity, resilience, problem-solving and critical thinking skills through pupil-led investigations and STEM challenges. We have high expectations of all pupils, regardless of their ability; our curriculum is appropriately adapted and differentiated by teachers to ensure that SEND pupils are supported and able to access their learning, whilst our more able pupils are encouraged to think deeper, investigate using a more complex hypothesis to create digital and scientifically complex solutions in our 21st century world.
During our STEM curriculum time, we make use of our school grounds, in school STEM lab and take part in educational visits, therefore enabling pupils to have memorable experiences and to recognise the purpose behind their learning.
Design and Technology Intent
Through our Design and Technology curriculum, we intend to develop creative problem solvers who develop innovative ideas both independently and in a team. Design and Technology lessons provide the ideal climate to demonstrate our school aim of providing opportunities to contribute to our school, local community and the wider world as responsible citizens. We want our pupils to identify the needs of themselves and others (local, global, past and present) and develop ideas which respond to these and real, relevant problems. Through research and investigation of existing products, pupils will develop their own ideas and designs. We encourage our pupils to be reflective thinkers who consistently evaluate their designs and products, demonstrating our core value of perseverance. Throughout their time at Longwick, pupils will develop their understanding of materials and technical skills. Pupils will also develop their knowledge of cooking and nutrition through whole class and small group cooking session, where they will make a variety of savoury and sweet dishes from around the world
STEM week had a polar explorers theme. Each class took part in design & technology activities during STEM week. For example, Years 5 & 6 designed and created ocean grabbers and polar ships. They tested existing products which could help, designed their own and created prototypes.