Our Curriculum
At Longwick C of E Combined School, we aim to inspire in all of our pupils a love of learning and we do this through our well planned and carefully designed curriculum which enables all of our pupils to develop a level of learning that stays with them throughout life. Our Christian values underpin our learning. We have designed a curriculum that enables pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding of core skills as well as the wider world in which we all live, so that they are confidently able to adapt to the demands and rigour of future learning. Our curriculum encourages pupils to ask challenging questions and to explore concepts in a greater depth so that they become inquisitive and inspired learners who are fully prepared for 21st Century life in Modern Britain. Whilst the National Curriculum forms the basis for our Longwick curriculum, we have designed it carefully to ensure that it provides the right opportunities for our pupils.
We recognise that children learn best through memorable, first hand experiences and so our curriculum is supported by a range of visits and experiences and made relevant by making links between subjects in engaging contexts. Learning is carefully planned by our skilled teaching staff and reviewed regularly in response to our rigorous assessment systems and new educational pedagogies, whilst keeping our implementation fresh and exciting.
We offer a range of clubs during lunch and after school, giving opportunities for pupils to explore many interests such as French, gardening, football and singing.
On each class page on the school website there is a more detailed Curriculum Map showing what will be covered each half term. We also provide families with useful links to websites to enhance their children's learning. Additional research and ways to extend learning are always encouraged at Longwick C of E Combined School.
At the end of Key Stage 2 in July 2020, our teacher assessments indicate that pupils left Longwick C of E Combined School at least in line with the national performance of pupils from all schools in 2019. Our feeder secondary schools, grammar schools and upper schools, tell us that pupils from Longwick C of E Combined School go on to secure strong outcomes in Key Stage 3.